1. Everyone who is anyone knows that I have been wanting a Letterman's Jacket for AGES! And Drake, with his...RIDICULOUS self is answering my dream and dangling it outside of my reach at the same time! Check it:

OVO Tour Jacket!!! It's it NOICE!? *sigh* I want, I want, but look, it's only available in two places...neither of which are close to me! *double sigh*
2. Well we may as well stay on the Drake train! He released a new song...ish. I'm LOVING it! Check it:
Drake - The Motto Feat. Lil Wayne by octobersveryown
In fact, check out his whole blog. I do enjoy going there from time to time. (Errrday, errrday, errrday)
3. All things mini! Yesterday's post I mentioned I made mini-meat-loafs that were delicious even though the bottoms weren't completely solid. :/ But today, I took it to a whole new level and made...MINI PUMPKIN PIES!!! I stole the recipe from Bakerlla, down sized it, yet still had a dumb amount of pumpkin pie filling left over. These puppies were delicious and VERY dangerous. I thought making them smaller would curtail how much I ate. On the one hand, sure, on the other hand I've had four this evening. That's 1/3 of the batch I made. :/ Also, there is NOTHING clean about this recipe. Didn't even try. :/ -> :( (Haha, it's like I'm not even on the clean eating train right now! I am...) But, if you do want to cheat/reward yourself, THIS IS IT!
4. Also, the Hillbilly Housewife saved my life tonight. Did you know that if you need tomato juice, you can make a low sodium version using tomato paste and WATER! It's the little things that get me every time! Love, love, love!!!
Heck yes, Friday! HECK YES! Salud!
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