Sunday, December 4, 2011

Maturity Blogging and Chicken Noodle Soup, Part Deux

I was scouring for new blogs to follow this morning/afternoon (It's already 2pm!? !Ay Dios mio!) And I have come to a conclusion: I think my blogging interests have matured. I am unsure how to explain it, exactly, but blogs focused on people, generally women, in graduate school and their resulting lives is what is interesting me the most. Perhaps it is because I am embarking on graduate school as a female so I thereby feel more drawn and interested. That probably is it, nevertheless, I definitely hope this influences my own writing and life maturity overall...slowly. I cannot imagine, of a sudden, being mature at their level all at once. I do like where it is leading though! Here is a list of the new blogs I am investing myself in.

On an unrelated note, I made Chicken Noodle Soup again. I need to work on my broth making skills. This stuff tastes like plain noodles in hot water with boiled chicken. It is NOT the best forray into cooking I have ever had. *sigh* We'll get em next time, tiger. Salud!

1 comment:

  1. Awww thank you for investing in my blog! I hope you enjoy reading my post as I enjoy reading yours!

    Good luck with grad school...I know your struggles too well :| lol

