Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Want/I Need: I Love Shopping [Spending Money]

I think normal people get the shopping bug where they think, "I need a new shirt, let's go shopping" or "I lost some weight, let's go shopping". I however, get the spending bug where I start picking up random items, that I don't particularly need, in multiple stores and think, "Let's get this." Period. No reasoning, no rationale. Luckily, I have a very strong voice in my head (because I talk to myself a lot) that loves to rear it's head and say, "S, what are you doing? Do you really need three nail polishes right now?" And it is these moments that I realize, I am not shopping to shop; I am shopping to spend money. Which is terrible! To get all itchy and sweaty over the fact that you haven't been spending your money on stuff. I'm supposed to be SAVING money! Not throwing it away willy nilly because I'm an addict! That being said, I have begun a practice of making Want/Need lists that have, really and truly, curtailed my spending time and time again.

On the "want" side I list all the items that I have picked up, drooled over and generally thought "I need this in my life NOW" and on the "need" side I list the items that I have, in truth, budgeted for because I know they're going to take a nice bit out of my checking account. I generally make these lists in my notepad on my phone so that I can easily add to the wants while also remaining aware of my needs. It's a clever little trick that works for me and, in turn, makes me feel less withdrawal-y when I don't spend my money.

Hope that helped! Salud!

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