Hi!!! I know what you're thinking. Who is this stranger?? Sorry! I'm blaming this unforeseen lack of blogging on the fact that I'm in my final year of graduate school and my time is dedicated to the thesis. It's not glamorous, I promise you. But after June, lookout! I'm coming back with a vengeance. That, you could say, is one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2014. What are some of my other resolutions?? Check below to find out.
Fitness: Keep building muscle, tighter core, stronger upper body. During 2013 I realized just how weak my upper body is. I mean, it's pathetic and really unbalanced with the rest of my body. 2014 seems like the perfect time to change that!
Professional: Finish thesis, graduate, acquire a full-time job. These are THE plans for 2014 and hopefully, fingers crossed, accomplished by July 2014. If you know anyone looking to hire in the fields of communication, event planning, or program coordination, let a girl know! ...seriously though.
Life: Move out of Oregon, be more social. Do you ever move somewhere and over time realize, this is NOT the place for me? That's how I feel about Oregon. It's rainy & overcast 80% of the time, the speed limits are mind-boggling low, and people are super into things I'm super uninterested in. As a California transplant, this is not the scene for me. Great learning experience, but now it's time to skit, skat, skedaddle! And post-skedaddling I definitely need to try harder to, you know, be friendlier and outgoing. I've become such a reclusive curmudgeon over this past year and a half!
So, those are my goals! I think they're achievable and I'm super pumped for 2014. What are your goals? Is anyone other than me making goals?? Salud!
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