Friday, August 24, 2012

Fitness Update

There are two months during the year that I struggle the most with staying motivated, staying fit and eating like I haven't lost my mind. August and December. And let me just say, August 2012 was no different. I didn't adhere to any kind of solid fitness regime over the summer, but August, especially these past two weeks, have been ridiculous. I think it has a lot to do with finally having access to the junk food I love and thereby hoarding it all into my system while simultaneously not exercising because I "don't" have a gym membership anymore. Regardless, there always comes a day when it all catches up to you. First there are little signs such as being extra lethargic, having no energy, being able to eat giant burritos in their entirety. But one day it culminates with your body, or at least my body, saying "Hey! I feel like shit over here! Get it together!" Today was that day for me. So, naturally, I tied up my hair, laced up my running shoes and headed over to my temporary gym. I got on the treadmill, ran for 15 minutes and then honestly felt like I was going to hurl. That is the major downside of falling off the fitness wagon; getting back on the wagon. It is never easy and every time I seriously question WHY do I let myself go on eating crap and not exercising for so long. It is a question that may never be answered. Regardless, here I go headlong into my (mostly) healthy ways again. Salud!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Back in Action/ Kale & Banana Smoothie Review

So I am a bold faced liar seeing as zero posts about my life occurred during my summer position. Never fear, however, because I am here to get back to my roots with a food review!!! I am super excited about this review because I have been thinking about trying a kale smoothie for over a year now and, alas, it has come to fruition! I picked up the original recipe from here, but of course I made changes as I went along.

1 banana (I froze it)
2 cups chopped kale (I didn't measure; next time I will)
1/2 cup light unsweetened soy milk 1/4 cup low fat milk (what I had on hand)
1 tablespoon flax seeds
1 teaspoon maple syrup 1 tablespoon honey (I misread the teaspoon part)
Then I added:
2 tablespoon Greek yogurt
1/2 cup strawberries

In retrospect, I am unsure why I went so rogue with this recipe. I think there was another recipe I viewed and then just combined the ingredients. I do not think the strawberries were necessary, per se, and the next time I make it I will definitely use a teaspoon (vs tablespoon *forehead slap*) of honey. That being said, this smoothie turned out to be particularly enjoyable. My mother said she could still taste the kale, but I personally did not find the kale taste to be prominent or overwhelming. This is coming from a girl who does not usually like kale because of its bitterness. I think this is an excellent recipe to play around with according to what you want to taste in your smoothie. The next time I make this I might add kiwi instead of strawberries, for example. Overall, I really enjoyed the outcome. Definitely a 5 star recipe. I hope you all take the time to try it. Salud!