Fyi, "gymming" isn't a word. Just in case you were somehow confused. Looking back on previous posts, it should be clear that I have a pretty strong, though fluctuating, relationship with the gym/exercise. Currently I'm on an upswing. After moving to Washington in January I stopped going...for months. Mostly because my new job had taken over my life and I was struggling (still do a little) to get control over that. But given how active I generally am, 3-4 months into a mostly sedentary job with no exercise was too much. So around May I joined a racquet club because I like to play tennis sometimes. There were slim options and it was essentially this or Gold's. Because the racquet club has tennis courts and a strong collection of Les Mills classes, it won out. I like it mostly
As noted in much earlier posts, I am a devotee to Les Mills classes, especially BodyAttack and BodyStep, so I've been doing those about 4 times a week. But I know myself and I'm about to burn out in the next few weeks/months. What I need is a more varied schedule. Particularly I think it's time to get back into lifting. Lifting is tricky because its an area I burn out on REAL fast. I have trouble sustaining long term interest. And I don't know how to cut weight. So I find that I mostly just bulk and then get dissatisfied. But, it's time. I think that if I balance a lifting schedule with Les Mills classes, I'll be more satisfied all around. And my body will respond better to the variety. So, that's definitely an area I'll be working on this fall. Instead of "bikini season," I'm all about coming for Winter '16...though November/December really are the best months for bulking (let's be honest). We'll see.
Nevertheless, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Going back to this fall, I think maybe I should train for a 5k. Back off both Les Mills & lifting a bit and incorporate a running plan. I was doing some really nice runs over the summer and I strongly feel that once you get runs back into your routine comfortably, you should keep them there. It's so hard for me to get pumped up about running/ back into real running shape. Even when I'm deep into a routine, it's still sometimes an uphill climb mentally. Running is hard for me, always has been. But, I do feel well exercised after doing it. That's the main reason I keep on with it. It's hard, but rewarding. Thus, I think I need to keep rolling with it. And I find the best way to push running is to train for something like a 5k. So, yea, maybe that's on the fitness dock of '15 too.
When I'm on an upswing, I'm on an upswing. Fingers crossed this upswing won't be stalled by the start of fall term. #TeacherProblems
Sunshine & Summertime
A mezcla of hair, food, books, and clothes. Let's get thoughtful, let's get girly!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Oh hair!
I've given this a lot of thought, as I give all hair related things a lot of thought, and I think I'm going natural. Well, truth be told I've been natural. I'm 1 year out from getting relaxers, but I've been maintaining scheduled visits to the beauty salon for regular washing & flat ironing. This wasn't the worst thing when I lived in California. But then I moved to Washington for a job and these hair dressers are NOT gentle. I don't care about normal heat damage (from a blow dry and flat iron), but I do care about damage from yanking a blow dryer through my hair. My father's a hair dresser, I've been doing this hair salon thing for more years than I'd like to count, and these practices just don't fly in my book. (Note, they shouldn't fly in yours neither.) Thus, I think I'm left to my own devices.
Currently my hair is in box braids (which are great and I highly recommend!!!). However, they need to come out in the next few weeks and from there, well, I think I'm on my own for a while. Because I'm still growing out my relaxer and refuse to do a big chop (I've done it before, go back to much earlier posts), the hair texture/ curl pattern is all over the place. The only way to really overcome that might be to alternate between buns and braids. Maybe some clip ins... But longevity wise, I'm convinced I can get a defined curl pattern going with products and without braid-outs/twist-outs. I don't like those latter options because they look great for 1.5 days and then I'm stuck with a mess by Wednesday at the latest. Maybe that's just me, but I don't have the time or patience for all that.
And there is my real concern, time and patience. It's the tail end of summer and I feel optimistic about my ability to keep up a natural hair routine. But once school kicks in, between grading papers and keeping a gym schedule (which I had to re-devote myself to, ugh!), I feel hair may fall to the wayside. Let's just stay optimistic for now and I'll do my best to keep these hair updates coming.
Currently my hair is in box braids (which are great and I highly recommend!!!). However, they need to come out in the next few weeks and from there, well, I think I'm on my own for a while. Because I'm still growing out my relaxer and refuse to do a big chop (I've done it before, go back to much earlier posts), the hair texture/ curl pattern is all over the place. The only way to really overcome that might be to alternate between buns and braids. Maybe some clip ins... But longevity wise, I'm convinced I can get a defined curl pattern going with products and without braid-outs/twist-outs. I don't like those latter options because they look great for 1.5 days and then I'm stuck with a mess by Wednesday at the latest. Maybe that's just me, but I don't have the time or patience for all that.
And there is my real concern, time and patience. It's the tail end of summer and I feel optimistic about my ability to keep up a natural hair routine. But once school kicks in, between grading papers and keeping a gym schedule (which I had to re-devote myself to, ugh!), I feel hair may fall to the wayside. Let's just stay optimistic for now and I'll do my best to keep these hair updates coming.
I don't know these women, but I'm dreaming of a similar curl pattern. #HairEnvy
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Blog Update
Hey all!!!
Look at the blog! It's brand new!!! New title, new backgrounds, and new content! It's been, what, three years here now? I think it was time for a change. Theme of 2014: change. New Year, New Me (Yes, I have been saying this almost everyday since January 1, but it's true!!!)
Here's what to look forward to in the near future:
Look at the blog! It's brand new!!! New title, new backgrounds, and new content! It's been, what, three years here now? I think it was time for a change. Theme of 2014: change. New Year, New Me (Yes, I have been saying this almost everyday since January 1, but it's true!!!)
Here's what to look forward to in the near future:
- New recipe reviews: clean banana pancakes, mini-lasagna. Yum-o!
- Fitness news: Bikini season is around the corner! Are you preparing?? I am!
- Books: I recently discovered Jaci Burton's Play-by-Play series. LOVE it! Can't wait to tell you guys about it.
- Life: 10 weeks until graduation!
I don't know if you all can tell, but there are some pretty exciting things on the docket!!! Are you excited? I know I am! Salud!
Friday, December 27, 2013
New Year's Resolutions 2014
Hi!!! I know what you're thinking. Who is this stranger?? Sorry! I'm blaming this unforeseen lack of blogging on the fact that I'm in my final year of graduate school and my time is dedicated to the thesis. It's not glamorous, I promise you. But after June, lookout! I'm coming back with a vengeance. That, you could say, is one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2014. What are some of my other resolutions?? Check below to find out.
Fitness: Keep building muscle, tighter core, stronger upper body. During 2013 I realized just how weak my upper body is. I mean, it's pathetic and really unbalanced with the rest of my body. 2014 seems like the perfect time to change that!
Professional: Finish thesis, graduate, acquire a full-time job. These are THE plans for 2014 and hopefully, fingers crossed, accomplished by July 2014. If you know anyone looking to hire in the fields of communication, event planning, or program coordination, let a girl know! ...seriously though.
Life: Move out of Oregon, be more social. Do you ever move somewhere and over time realize, this is NOT the place for me? That's how I feel about Oregon. It's rainy & overcast 80% of the time, the speed limits are mind-boggling low, and people are super into things I'm super uninterested in. As a California transplant, this is not the scene for me. Great learning experience, but now it's time to skit, skat, skedaddle! And post-skedaddling I definitely need to try harder to, you know, be friendlier and outgoing. I've become such a reclusive curmudgeon over this past year and a half!
So, those are my goals! I think they're achievable and I'm super pumped for 2014. What are your goals? Is anyone other than me making goals?? Salud!
Reminds me of:
Career Goals,
grad school,
New Year's Resolutions,
Terrible blogger,
Friday, November 22, 2013
Clean Blackberry Cobbler
I've had a craving for pie for many...weeks at this point. But I'm trying to stay dedicated to the clean eating cause, mostly because I'm scheduled to run a 5k next week. (I'm not where I should be in training for it.) Despite the dedication, last night my friend ordered a slice marionberry pie and I wanted to offer my first born for a slice. I didn't. But I did look up clean recipes for a berry cobbler. These are the best two I found:
Almond Butter Peach Cobbler for Two and Berry Crisp Recipe for One.
I did this thing where I combined the two recipes a little. Really botched it. Tasted like I was eating warmed peanut butter. I did eat it all though and I highly recommend it. Especially if you're hard-up for sweets. Also this recipe is possibly paleo and definitely vegan if you take out that honey! The next time I make this, this is what my recipe will look like:
1small peach, cored and sliced cup of frozen blackberries (you can also mix blackberries and peaches, but let the peaches thaw.)
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted I didn't see the point of this addition
1/4 cupalmond flour oat flour. It's what I had on hand. Though almond flour is more granular, so you may like it better for the topping.
2 tbsp almond butter (or other nut butter) 1-1/2 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 tbsp honey (I probably used a full tbsp. Shoot me.)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt Forgot it. Oops.
Put the fruit in the bottom of an oven safe dish (I used a ramkin), mix everything else together until it's crumbly (add more flour if it's not crumbly enough) and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 and you have a cobbler! And you'll still be able to run in the morning!! I think. Salud!
Almond Butter Peach Cobbler for Two and Berry Crisp Recipe for One.
It may not look exactly like this. It will be equally delicious! |
I did this thing where I combined the two recipes a little. Really botched it. Tasted like I was eating warmed peanut butter. I did eat it all though and I highly recommend it. Especially if you're hard-up for sweets. Also this recipe is possibly paleo and definitely vegan if you take out that honey! The next time I make this, this is what my recipe will look like:
1/4 cup
1/2 tbsp honey (I probably used a full tbsp. Shoot me.)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Put the fruit in the bottom of an oven safe dish (I used a ramkin), mix everything else together until it's crumbly (add more flour if it's not crumbly enough) and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 and you have a cobbler! And you'll still be able to run in the morning!! I think. Salud!
Reminds me of:
blackberry cobbler,
clean eating,
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Clean Peppermint Mocha
At this point, I know what you're thinking. Wow. This girl is FLAKY! But it's not my fault! Just as I was gearing up to get into the swing of things again, my computer broke. So then I had to go through an extended process of figuring out what was wrong/ buying a new computer. But now that that is all fixed and I've caught up on my papers...I'M HERE for real! As a token of my sincerity, I've also brought along a CLEAN Peppermint Mocha recipe. You're welcome in advanced.
Now, as I'm sure you all know by now, I like to keep a clean diet as much as possible. But as a mid-twenties graduate student, coffee and coffee shops are simply a fact of life. So to help alleviate how much time I spend at Starbucks, I bring you an equally enjoyable and much more diet friendly The recipe can be found here:
I've included the recipe below. Of course, I made a few substitutions according to my tastes:
I'm using my Princeton mug in support of the football team's spectacular win this weekend. Go tigers!

1 1/2 Tablespoons cocao powder
1 1/2 Tablespoons organic
6 ounces
a splash of peppermint extract
Whisk together milk, cocao powder and whole cane sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. When milk begins to steam take off of heat and pour into a mug. Add the herbal coffee and splash of peppermint extract. Top with a large dollop of whipped cream.
I don't know if you can tell, but this recipe is super simple to assemble. And it's mighty tasty. As always, don't be afraid to make modifications according to your diet and don't forget to check out the Deliciously Organic website; you won't be disappointed. Salud!!
Reminds me of:
clean eating,
clean peppermint mocha,
Deliciously Organic
Monday, October 21, 2013
Loving It Monday
Quick post. I know, I know. It's been AGES! And I can't promise I'm fully going to get back into the swing of things. But I do miss this space. And so, I thought I would bring you a real gem and a peace offering, perhaps? I introduce to you, The Audrey Brooke Pierre Flat:
Talk about a ballet flat! How authentic is this shoe!? Also, how perf(ect) is it for fall, with some skinny jeans, running around the city, oversized scarf and perhaps and fluff or two of snow!? THE CUTENESS!
I don't know about you, but I think I have some adorable feet and they would look BEYOND adorable in these shoes. Pre-Christmas present??? (I'm way too excited) Salud!
Where can you get this? DSW!:
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